Sprout of a smile

I have relinquished the responsibility
I had taken
To tend your garden
You can appoint a new gardener
While leaving the charge
I have sown the seeds of smiles
They will sprout soon
Butterflies will crowd the garden
You will laugh as always
And scatter all the carefree
Drops of dew
So what if there will be only a few
Flowers less
With the confusion
That accompanies the monsoon
And be clear
Resolve the knots
That had tied you to the edge
Liberate and leave

2 Replies to “Sprout of a smile”

  1. let sprouts of smile emerge
    may the light come though doors
    opening in darkness
    let the masks dissolve
    may the openness be our credo
    let knots be loosened
    let us be accessible to ourselves
    through a walk into corridors of pain
    and stroll under blue hopeful bright sky

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