when the leaves will fall and not rot

when the leaves will fall and not rot,
u may wonder
what is sacred about this spot
i wil not cry and wail
but the truth shall, even then, prevail
dont ask me, why did i not stop
the tears rolled by and heart still decided to hop
i am sure, you will understand it again
as you always did, whether it was drought or rain

when the reflections raised a doubt

every thing has become a suspect today,
no reflection is assured
of its sanity

why has this happened
is it because rays of light are impure
or is it that surfaces are corrupted
or that the air is polluted

when the detours of diehard river didn’t reconcile

when the detours of diehard river didn’t reconcile
what was not tallying
in the account book of
a time trader
i asked him, declare me bankrupt,
will that help you
tell me
i cannot pay back
all the debts that i incurred
when you were around
of the banks being dry or wet
waves settled or unsettled
following their own rhythm