in the playground of memories
don’t throw a ball like this
nostalgia is not about regrets but about
failed expectations
we dont soak ourselves in the rain
to catch cold,
we catch cold
because we enjoy getting soaked
causality is not bidirectional always
dont look for hopes in the embers
i have seen dance of death
let us play violin a bit slowly
death cant dance fast
death of ideas
death of a promise
not of a potential
and therefore throwing a ball
like this doesn’t make sense
weeds have grown in the playground
let us leave it now as it is
take care
will stick to your skirt
take care
monastery is waiting for you
be silent
i want to be silent too
not a full stop
flow, o enigmatic, emphatic, endearing stream, flow
you flew down the mountain
how could pebbles, sand and silt
resist your flow
they came along, some did
fertilizing many garden
bypassing others
the banks of ravines
were no more respected
you changed the course
you had to, flow has its own energy
unbounded, untamed, unstoppable
resonating with the
of changing the course
enigmatic, emphatic and endearing
you were
as always
you were