Letting snow in

Have you ever opened the windows
To let the snow flakes enter the room
Because the heat inside chokes your throat
I did so last night

I inhaled the coldness
As if there was not enough outside
But the snow started burning
It fuelled the fire
I had to close the window
The rules were broken
Language took leave of reason
And words proved why silence
Sometimes is better than
But if I hadn’t heard the sound of snow
Will I be able to hear the sound of flowing molten ice
Water had no autonomy
Ice engulfed it before
It tried to flow
Why does ice devour the dreams of water
Why can’t fire be allowed to consume
The snow
But then winds will get annoyed
They flow so that
It can snow
Thy flow So that somebody can show
The genuine desire to skate on Ice
So what if the uneven path
Makes me skid
Fractures are preferred
Over fears
Conjectures are preferred
Over disengagement

Tomsk to Moscow
March 22 , 2013

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