when the vessel gets empty

when the vessel gets empty
it loses its weight
floating on the surface,
it doesnot miss any shore
or the memories of the yore,
like a rolling stone, it moves and stops and rolls again
why would you fill it
with nectar of your flowers
go, flourish in the gardens where spring is still alive,
soil is deep and lot of birds thrive
why try to fuill
an empty vessel
not sure, it will retain,
given all the cracks
waiting to widen their chasm

tsunami of trust

When the scattered
And broken strings
Don’t resonate Any more
The cracked shells
Help in peeling the crest
Over the frozen lake
In whirlpool I lost all the smiles
But then a volcano promises
To unravel
The mysteries
Of an unknown path
Through woods of Woolley eyes
Moistened and heavy
With tears in memory
Of the days
That were good
But are no more
Why do I promise them a boat
In the turbulent sea
That will carry them through
All the storms
And the tsunami of trust
Thrusted on your way
Now you will walk quietly
And umbrella of white clouds
Will pave your sky
With dreams you we’re afraid to see
So long
But no more

rainbow in the sky

A nearly lost soul
Found a hole
In the rainbow
Far in the sky
Made by an arrow
Shot from a bow
So unsure
Yet So pure
Will you take him in your arms
To let him cross
The sea so turbulent
Young that he is
Searching a path
Unknowingly harsh
Uncertain and thorny for sure
Hold his hand
Feeble as you are
Let us help him cross this river
He had not planned
To cross but has no choice
Let him make us way
Young that he is
Unsure of future
But wanting to grow
In this world
That I and you did not design
For lost souls
But we will let these kids
Paint the sky
In all the colours we can try
Snatch floor a rainbow in the sky
Rainbow in the sky

tired steps

when steps are tired
when stretched street can not expand further
the road has to diverge
cross roads cannot keep
track of all the vehicles passing by
not all the people have gone somewhere
many are circling the roundabout
in search of their own shadows

Nonsense poems

Nonsense poems

Vibrance of the meadows
Mindlessness of the fences
Bridges don’t know
The road really grow
As if distances have been delivered
By the pregnancy of patient lakes


Hilarious heather
Indifferent weather
Why not take leave
Of senses so conscious
Get lost
Don’t post
Addresses on the letters
Lest these are read
Always as meant


Over flowing wine
Cringing creepers
Snatch smiles from faces thine
Don’t strip
The mirrors are shy
The banality of life
Who will collect the torn tears
In the aftermath of a fountain
Gone berserk

Green sea, blue sky
Violent snares
Petulant promises
Oozing impatience
Smooches of sighs
Why worry too much
Intimacies are in decline
When prices of promises rise


dont draw the unburnt coals out of fire

while stoking the fire
in the wintry night
why take out the unburnt coal pieces out
is it that they make generate a lot of of smoke
or you are saving these for another
lonely night
when snow would not make fire
too easy to burn
or is it that you dont feel cold any more

if only the rain will spare my drapes

if only rain will spare
my drapes
and not moisten these
making breeze cool
in a humd, dry, hot night
cool breeze will revive
all the old pains
and then no reminder will be needed
for memories
to intrude