why did tears moisten the sky

why did tears moisten the sky
why do we have to
borrow the rays reflected from the hung drops
on the leaf tip
will the drop fall
reflections call
the clouds to relay
the message
of a fallen star
will they,
will they

Hinges were about to collude

While Warding off
A storm
Pushing into my room
I heard a loud scream
The wind was complaining
To the window pan
Why was it coming in the way
Hinges were about to
With the wind
When wisdom prevailed
I left the room
Much against the wishes of the storm
But the storm now stays

lagoons full of lustrous pearls

a lagoon
full of lustrous pearls
was about to receive a ship load of logs
to build tree houses
for vistors
who were tired of staying on ground
and then came a storm followed
by heavy downpour
the logs are still lying around,
waiting to be dried
the pearls are all scattered
the promises of pensive reflections of moon rays in the shallow waters
are soothing the fishes
now in station
to spawn the eggs
will you let the eggs hatch
will you let the fish grow
even if there is nothing else to devour,

Dialogue with oneself

Dialogue with myself

A stream flowing relentlessly towards another bigger stream knew that it would not be known distinctly once it meets its end. It will be assimilated, dissolved and be quiet. But then it still flowed as if there was no end. It detoured, it collided with rocks, rounding their edges, eroding their ego.

The haughty rocks didn’t mind it. But some did, they let the stream push them towards the bank. Standing on the side, they witnessed time passing by but didn’t have the courage to become sand.

Why do we fear becoming sand?
Is sand too small?
Is rock too big?

Why do yearnings of sand, the stream and the still rock not merge ?

Why do we fall on the way side just to be able to stay still?
what is the chance of stream stopping suddenly?

Let me try


I stood
Trying to blame the winds
And the waves
Leading my sails to take the boat
In the waters, so troubled
Let me not
The dictate of my conscience
Any more
Let me close all
The holes in the sails of my boat
Navigation will not work
Rowing will nt take me closer to the shore
Let me quietly
Withdraw into cocoon
Of clear calls
From within

The unsaid stories

When the curtains were drawn
And the windows opened
The cool breeze had to move through
Holes in the weave
The touch of the oscillating
Bells of the beaming shells
Melted the frozen
Voices trapped in the room
Now we can hear
The unsaid stories
Of the time
When breeze didn’t have to
Be filtered
And bells could toll

Dehydrated roots

Moss didn’t resist
The sunrays drying the rocks
Dehydrated roots
A promise to bloom
Could not persuade algae
To persist with its path
The cloudburst
Has decided
What neither moss
Nor rock
Could resolve so far
Will o cloud
You burst again
And demolish all my defences
So that I could accept the truth

but, then

but, then
the river asked
will the tree stand still
even when i am in spate

but then,
will the shower soak
the tulips
even if their aroma remains trapped

but then,
will you restrain
the breeze
lest it swirls all the flags on prayer flags
and hesitant prayers get fulfilled

Sky is all I have to share

Sky is all we have to share,
indivisible and yet punctured
by our prayer,
do we not pray then?
Or do we not share?
Be there in the sky, o my cloud and bust of breeze,
I will not stint and pray still,
all I have is you
and will always seize,
Flow so that clouds can give way,
Leave sky to stare,
share If for a while,
I like truth even if it pains
Don’t paint my sky
With any lie
Alone and obtuse,
I will fly
I will fly

When I m really gone

The stars are scattered
The river is going to be dry
But the drought will not deter
The storm will not just pass
rocks will resist
No matter what
Spirit will persist
Like a cactus growing
IN a drought

Will you let the the glacier melt again
Will you dam the avalanche again
Don’t do that
Don’t let the lava flow
Let the volcano not glow
Fumes. No matter how dark
Be there
Embracing the waves
Spacing the caves
Lest the ghosts find no place to hide
Let the thorns bite you waking aside
Quieten a bit
Slow down a bit
The windows sparkle
The sunlight reflects, unasked it speaks
What the waves did nt want to say
May be you need rest, lest the lender
Asks all the debt to be paid
Let me declare bankruptcy
I m now free
Of any obligation
Just a nudge by You, o kaali
And I am enslaved again
Let me break the window pane
Let the breeze flow again
Let me be free
So that you can see
The truth and banal truth
When I m really gone ?