To close the gap

Demanding a cover
Layers of caresses
Asked if this was right
To close the gap
Dig deep into the valleys
And sweep the floor of all the dust
Fallen from the walls
On which you hung your paintings of
Deep love
Unrecognised and uncelebrated
Just because moments were sought To be
In safe vaults of memories
Now that I have been transformed
Erased of all memories
As if a washed beach
Is ready to be imprinted with
The embraces of waves

Should I quarantine
Your enclosure
Lest a storm breaks all boundaries

An abandoned kite

Don’t shout
Said the squirrel
I can hear
Even when you don’t say
But the frogs are going to create
The beautiful music of longing
In a rainy night
Crickets celebrate meeting with their kind
Is my time to shout from the housetops
That I have found
An abandoned kite
Come and take it
Whoever wants
To fly in the sky
Laden with
My sighs
Of unmet sights

Lamp post so high

Don’t clap too hard
Adulations dig deep
Like a dagger with blunt edges
You can not imagine the pain
Of living under the light
Of a lamp post so high
So bright
So convex
And yet leaving dark patches of darkness
Within my heart
You can hide in this darkness
In awoken
From the slumber after a tiring day

Light is a betrayal

Cracks are inevitable
If the seed has to sprout
How else will coat give way
Darkness is a promise
Light is a betrayal
Unauthorised and yet pregnant
With meaning unexplored

silence is serene

silence is serene
dont shout, said the little bird
not knowing that she was shouting
why was she not listening to herself
the cleavages in the rocks of a steep climb
were deep enough
for a climber to fall in them
but small steps, slowly
prevented that
now, when cliff is near
why fear final assault
just go for it

just spread them around

broken cup
scattered reflections
a train detoured
morning welcomes birds
like every other day
but why is black myna so sullen
what is that which hasnt splashed
when you threw box of colours all around
why did not y clothes get splintered with colours
dont save me
dont save colours
just spread them around

what are the starts saying

What are the stars saying,
where are the chimes playing,
who is listening to the knocks on door,
who is keeping the temple clean?

Musings of a mountain,
play of a pheasant,
the wings were open,
where did the wind go?

hoping not to be forgiven

with in the corridors of creative pursuits
i had failed to locate the sediments of silliness
now that i have betrayed my friend
the one who told me never to cry
when the stillness of the moment
squeezes the clouds of all the moisture,
leaving the vapors like dried tears,
i may dissolve all the expectations
and just lie down at the feet
of Ma kaali
hoping not to be forgiven

i dug deep to find the pearls

i dug deep to find the pearls
which of course, i would not store
but the heart of a rock
could not be stirred so easily
and then it gave way, let the river flow
may be it will need no dams,
it will flow to new shores
in the twilight zone of tropics and the temperate
may be that is what means the turning of tide,
dont ask, why smile scan not hide
all the pain
all the tensions
that help in converting
all the fallen leaves into manure
so that you can be sure
you can be sure