Make a new obelisk

Many times
I resolved to restrain
And I did
But I m not sure
If I could
Let me take rest
Dig the grave deep
Lest a worm
Crawls up
To tell the story
Of my deer song
Which didnot die
And though buried
Could not fade away
From the memory of
An obelisk
Ask the carpenter t o make a new obelisk
Of wood
Soft one
So that white ants
Devour it easily
And keep my songs live
In the rich fertile soil
Manured by my own body

Am I difficult,

I m difficult
Are you simple
Not able to hide
And not able to be truthful
May be not because
You need to mask
When thins are not clear
What can one do
Next ship is not yet ready
to take you on board
But you deserve a deep love
And carefree

I will bear with
Multiple arrows in your armour
You need to hunt
Even if the game comes
Fr being hunted
Bury the carcass
Along with all symphonies
That deer wrote
When running away
From a lioness
Which wanted to hunt it
To redeem it from life
Yes hunt it

Peak below the ocean

You said
You will write to him
Brute though he was
But he loves you
You loathed him
You ignored him
But he lived in a corner of
Your heart
When you are about to forgive him
He is ready
To lit the fire
In which you can burn
All the hateful poems
U will go all over
In search of love
But you have difficulty
In sitting on the edge
Of lake
You must swim
Or sink
But sitting on shore
Of a sea is not your destiny
U are like a fish
Which must search for newer
And newer depths
Of the ocean
Else you can’t define yourself
But who asked you to do so
Just remained
Of a Mountain
Which is below the sea

outlived hopes

withered roots
nourished fungi
some mushrooms grew on decayed desires
some recycled the toxins
oozed by the fountain of frustrated expectations
pray, o, traveller pray
this world can only feast on
outlived hopes

Will wait

Not every prayer is answered
And that is your grace
O kaali
Else by now
All the oceans had
All the mountains
And there would not be left a place
To stand and pray
Be as discrete as you are
And may be
That is the answer
To my prayer