Mad world, sane sky

Mad world, Sane sky
Why hold the bounded rationality
Against the free fly
Of the dreams uncastled
Sleepy nights
Heavy head
Don’t complain
Cloudy cushion
Can absorb all the plight
Of a passionate peak
Of a mountain
Bent at the feet of
A moody misty cloud

A little more effort

The boat would not have capsized
If a little more effort
Had been put in by the
But she was in rush
To reach the other end
And didnt care
If others on this side
Remain stuck here
Waves came to rescue
They flooded the banks
There was no difference any more
Between here and

I cared

I didn’t tell you
But I of course cared
How else will the thorny bushes spare your scarf
And cocklebur not stick to your skirt
Life is not an aftermath of a storm
It is also not a placid sea
It’s an unpredictable river
Which can turn anywhere
When it rains enough
Because sky can’t retain all the Clouds
Of my tears

Lost some moments

Did you find
Some moments I lost
The other day
You had headache
And I saw wrinkles scattered
Over the edge
Of a coffee cup
Brimming with froth
Like your laughter
But underneath
There was a dark liquor
Like my moods
Sometimes when
I spend more time in searching the moments
Rather than living them

Stir the pot

Stir the pot
A bit more
If you can
Regardless of what happens to
The vapours
If they condense over my glasses
Wipe them hard
May be I Can see more clearly
What I can’t just now
May be
It s not what is visible
But intentionality
Willingness or otherwise
Of desire to see
Beyond glasses

Design of a fragile fibre

When designs
Of a fragile fibre
Get embedded
In blue sky
With no inhibitions
No reservations
But only an abandoned
They become an ocean
Which allows
All boats to float
Even if storms can restrain
Their designs

dont ever sing this song again

dont ever sing this song again
dont ever ask, what will i gain
it is not a trade of words
of of vain obligations
it is not a season of betrayals
it is not a rainbow bereft of rain
dont ask me why did i insist then
why was i afraid of demands you made then
i am not going to judge any more
i am not going to ask you for more
dont ever this song again
dont ever ask, what will i gain

Take this small lunch box

Take this small lunch box
I have packed a few patties
Cooked for you
A little pudding
And a few dates
Dried but sweet
I know your teeth are strong
You can chew
All those words
Which I didnot want to hear
Or say
But it is ok now
Don’t forget to carry
This lunch box
It also has some clouds
I had harvested from a blue sky
Which is now
But take this with you

I know, you are going

I know you are going
O postman
No more will I get my letters
In this small hut
Located so far
No more will I get
Envelops without address
And stamps
Just because
You always knew
What I wanted sometimes to read
Postman go
Where you will find only people
Whose letters
Had addresses
Rightly written
From this
Mad world