not sure

standing on the precipice
you can
tilt the seesaw
and enjoy the cries of the child
on the top end
but you know
he is safe and will be brought down
but will you go up
not sure
keep on playing the game
krishna plays
with flute and the breeze that
blows his way
some day it will flow my way too

let the lava flow

dissolved the boundaries
allowed ripples to creep in
and embrace the dried trees on the shore
spring did not bring new leaves
sea remained calm
but volcano has erupted
what will it engulf
remains to be seen
let the lava flow

no substitute

tendrils are not ready to intertwine
but light is too far away,
creeper is now at stand still
the reflections of moon are no substitute

withering away slowly

i am not sure as much now
as i was before
may be i have discovered the truth
or may be my ability to live with paradoxes
has increased
or i am
withering away slowly

Does it matter really

A White angel
Came to my door last night
In a black dress
Offering to sing a song
That I had written
When the seasons were shining
And summer was not too hot
When a walk though the forest
Despite boils in the feet
Didn’t deter
You from dancing
But my song was not just a song
It was a prayer
To soothen the nerves
Of horses
In the carriage
Which carried you to the sea port
Where your next ship
Was anchored
To take you
To a twilght zone
East and the west could meet there
Just as at sunset time
Light and darkness pursue each other
Not knowing who swallows whose pride
Does it matter really

The rays of lost moon

I have tried to forget
Tht day

When we fought with the sky
Unwilling to give us any of its stars
And you snatched a few
One was affixed on my writing desk
As if to stear
The rays of lost moon
On my paper
So that when I write
I keep cool feel of moon rays
In mind
But I do get angry
I do lose touch with
The star
And the sky
Willing to offer more stars
Can’t not affix any one on my desk
That star isn’t shining any more
May be it does not like my desk
Or my writing
Or may be my ones make it cry
Too much
And it wants to smile all the time
May be

Let madness prevail

Go away
The whiff of an aromatic air
Don’t stay here
Lest I get intoxicated
And then swirl the secret key
Of sanity
Let madness prevail
But only if I am witness to its
Deep quest
Of sanity