cushion of concerns

when the cushion of concerns
does not seem too cosy for memories to incubate
just get up and start walking
open the window and let the breeze come in
who knows some clouds will descend and enter your room
through the open window and moisten the lips which had been dry
and a bit cracked
and then don't ask for any thing, just fold them and whistle
and sing songs
of the moments of joy
which were never too far away
when you were close to yourself
and all that you cherished when alone

when you spoke

when you spokeand i listened,
there were long moments of silence,
when we heard each others' breaths
whisper of breaths have long ceased to say
what we both wanted to hear
let us take a deep breath,
slow down,
and ask ourselves
why do we need to talk at all
---- cant we just be there, like that only

Thirsty Peruvians harvesting fog with nets : apointer for decentralised water harvesting

Thirsty Peruvians harvesting fog with nets Buzz Up Share
Twitter Delicious Myspace Digg Stumble Upon Facebook Tue, Mar 23 12:42 AM

( in the light of the recent meeting of launch accelerator i attended at nasa, this news will be of interest to those concenred with water. in india prof Girija saeran had tried this in kutchh with good results)

Catching fog with nets is the solution to water scarcity for people who live beyond the reach of utility lines in this sandy hillside shantytown overlooking Peru’s capital, Lima.

Lima, which along with Cairo is one of the world’s two driest capitals, gets only a few drops of rain each year. But thick fog from the Pacific Ocean blankets the coastal hills surrounding the city for eight months a year as hot tropical sun mixes with cold waters of the Humboldt current.

Using nets similar to those used in volleyball, residents condense fog, drip-by-drip, into drainage pipes running down the hill into tanks that store hundreds of liters (quarts) of water for irrigation, bathing and cooking.

“Pure water from fog, can you believe it?” Noe Neira, Bellavista’s community leader said, as he dipped his hand into a brick tank filled to the rim. “There was so much water in the air and we didn’t know how take advantage of it.”

President Alan Garcia won the 2006 elections in part on a promise to deliver water to millions of impoverished Peruvians, though as he nears the end of his term, Lima’s long-term water problems are more vexing than ever.

Lima depends almost exclusively on glacial runoff for water. The United Nations, which has called March 22 World Water Day to raise awareness about shortages, says melting caused by warming in the Andes has already cut by 12 percent flows to the country’s arid coast, where two-thirds of the population lives.

That has left the government not only trying to lay more water mains to improve delivery, but also looking into installing desalination plants along the ocean or pumping water out of the Amazon basin to secure future supplies.

Even after a decade of booming economic growth, about a quarter of Peru’s city dwellers and half of its rural residents still lack access to working toilets and clean drinking water.

Bellavista is no different. Like most of Peru’s poor, the community gets its water from tanker trucks that sell it for two soles a barrel ($0.71), about 10 times more than what residents of Lima’s richest neighborhoods pay for tap water.

“We’re paying like millionaires for water,” Josefina Ortiz, a mother of three, said as she waited for a tanker truck outside her plywood home in San Juan de Miraflores, another slum far from Bellavista. “We’ll never be able to progress because of the lack of water.”


The nets in Bellavista, which were set up by biologists at German non-governmental organization Alimon e.v., turn fog into a viable alternative to end dependence on overpriced and often contaminated water from trucks.

“Sometimes trucks won’t come up here for days, so we store water from fog as a backup,” said Sandra Atusparia, who lives in Bellavista. “The only thing I regret is that we don’t have more tanks for storage.”

Though the netting system in Bellavista is rusty after just three years of use and it runs dry during Lima’s short fogless summers, poor residents dream of having the mayor net the hillsides surrounding the city.

“This whole area lacks water,” Abel Cruz, head of the group Peruanos Sin Agua (Peruvians Without Water) said, pointing to thousands of plywood homes with tin roofs built by squatters surrounding Lima. “But with 50 nets, we could supply them all,” he said of a series of shantytowns on Lima’s south side.

I don’t know who is playing with whom

When I play with little mice
Who change their appearance every now and then
I don’t know who is playing with whom
But it is sure that
They don’t mean that their antics will
Always be understood
Because even they don’t know why they
Do what
They do always

Resonance Of resoluteness

Dot ask me why
Have I yearned for the rays of a setting sun
To fall in my courtyard
Do they have a possibility of shedding the colours
Which I am in love with
Or is it just that
It is cooler
When sun sets
Lines below the eyes don’t look dark enough
If only the gel of life
Will dissolve them to give way to
The dried clay like strength
Of resoluteness

To stop the essence of essentiality

When you watered the new seedlings
Of shoe flower and the marigold
In the community garden
Who knew the fragrance of those flowers
Will permeate all the walls we had created
To stop the essence of essentiality
Flowing through the city
Full of strangers

The shores have complained to the sea

The shores have complained to the sea
I did not pay enough attention to them
But when did I do that
Why are these expectations arising now
When I am on the verge of relinquishing
The charge of the garden
In which lots of flowers grew
All these while
But a butterfly changed every thing

There was a commotion when she decided to
Take liberties with what she will

seeds will blossom one day

When you fell a few times
You got up and walked afresh
Not bothering too much about the
Precariousness of the balance
With which
The time was hinged on the pivot
You will still walk,
Run and go alone one day
Under the sun
Beyond the clouds
Hand in hand, we will walk
And then forgive the moments
When I wasn’t fully with you
But is not that a small
Price to pay for all the hopes
I bring and all the faith I still have
That one day
The seeds we sowed will blossom