silent, sad, surrealitic sights

I have not known how long we have
Seen the shadows of
Silent, sad, and surrealistic sights
Of time and tide
Wait for the waves to settle
the debts of sand on the shore
For having absorbed all the pain
All these years
Without complaining,
When will there be a monument built
In honour of all the moments
That are precious because of their uncertainty
And tentativeness
And indecisiveness and
The desire to see beyond the screens and
The key boards

some day, some how, some where, no matter you say

20 march 2010

When the curtains can’t hold the truth
From peering through the windows
What do you really do, close the window,
draw the curtain
or just tear these apart
let the rays of naked sun come through
because moon is too shy to admit
the transgressions of life are not
like a progress of an eclipse
which will pass eventually
and then rays will have a right of way
some day, some how, some where,
no matter you say

detours of desires

detours of desires
are not the pathways
on which one ever finds
peace that beguiles
and lulls one to assume
that the end is near,
the fire is now determined
to consume all the leftover memories
that were the seeds
of my poems
delete them,
lest they envelop the air
which we breathe
and so may emerge
a being that is absorbed
completely by the passion
pf perseverance in vain


catching balloons of happy memories

why was not erasing option  designed
in the memory bank
was it a lapse on His part of
its is just that he gave us a huge account
unlimited in its scope and scale
reinterpreting every memory in the light of new memories
some carry grudges
some hurts
some balloons of happiness
which escape into the sky
every now and then
to land into some strangers garden
did you not hold any such balloon lately
may be you did not walk int the garden
go out, look at the sky
behave a like kid
always willing to run a bit
if only to capture some fallen balloons

dont make pains  as a pArt of life
THESE are are like thorns
which make rose protect it from some pests
may be you are blessed with pains
to protect from some poachers

thoughts at launch meeting

Kennedy space centre: launch


“U have to look outside, to look inside”
Eleanor Roosevelt: if substitute to petrol was to be found, it will be, because it was done in past, 1948

South Bronx poorest district
World’s largest food distribution centre

Less trees, parks that most places in the country

Lungs are linked to brain: proximity to fossil fuel emission source and poor intelligence
We do things not bec these are easy, but because these are difficult

We should not use the term waste water, we cant waste people any more, it is a process which is not productive

Peter gleick: pacific instt

Solving water problems solves education, health and food problems,
Post apartheid program: working for water, removing alien vegetation from watershed, restored ecosystems, gave work, restored flows, hugely successful program;

We cant forget that technology has unintended consequences: poor water quality; clean ground water, millions of bore water to reach cleaner ground water because surface water was bad, that lead to arsenic problem;

Water weirdos: some solutions violate physics laws and some violate social and or institutional laws

We need to rethink choices we had rejected in past

Mark Tonkin:

Dutyion membrane; absorbs water, plants can be grown from sea water without desalination, put salt water inside these pipes and only vapor of pure water comes out;
70 per cent of all fresh water goes to irrigate crops

What are the limits of the technology:
Sea water was 35k ppm salt
Water being used was 25kppm
Settlement tank:
No power, only gravity==========================trenching between trees—making plant work for water;

Demand for salt: heat is stored in molten salt:

Water testing:

Mark sobsey
Film: inoculate the sample, culture the bacteria: grow the bact in bottle, let it grow, colour change, no quantification, but presence is told;

Absorbent pads for water testing:
Chromegenic agents for testing fecal bacteria;

No water testing facility in ketrina in usa and also in Haiti

Ashok gadgil:
Shallow handpumps: arsenic pollution
140 million people are exposed to arsenic pollution

Arsenic binds to iron electrodes;

Andrew tinka:

Sensors for water quality: rivers, install sensors at a place in river and then monitor the water quality

Innovation is to have floating water sensor

Gps laoded sensor records watr quality along with gps value

Traffic map for water

2 parts per thousand of salt, this is ok for rice

Young salmon tok wrong turn, went toward
Why was salmon gong down the wrong direction?
Sensor with fish behaviour may be floated and then one coul see why the fish take wrong direction
Emergency response systems floating sensors

One drop: liliana peresa

Nicaragua, ivania: did not have access to safe water
Technical, education and micro credit: tripod approach
Family garden
Drip, roof top water harvest

Floating sensor: Andrew tinka

Seeds from different catchments may enter the water stream and then grow in the cana bed and damage it, floating sensor will tell us where
Vectors movement along water

Nitrate flow form farms to canal
High cost sensor that moves,
New type of business model for monitoring the effluents

Ideal conditions for fish breeding
Wetland health
Low cost nitrate sensor
Regulatory agencies
Non point becomes the point pollution
72 hours
Turbine at the bottom
Dispenser of chemicals, dyes, to measure the dynamic nature of river, or its properties, various reactions could be measured through release of the small substances

Aquifer by aquifer value of water quality yin deep bores

Air column at different heights and width


Mark sobsey

Postage stamp
Mail in absorbent pad
Camera based diagnostic
Idex labs in milk
640 20 camera

Food processing industry may use this strip for quality assurance

Beverages companies

Todd khozein

Plant need based release of water

let me tell you, if you will care to hear

pain in the body, pain in the heart
when did we sell any pain in the mart

yet when we go to the far off market
we see vectors of all the choices,
we dont know if that is the way
one got the thought of peace in a packet

let me tell you, if you will care to hear
the vibrations in the cup of tea,
with a spoon left in it to stir, or just to lose heat
i dont know, but i do care, if the spoons disappear

with indifference writ all over so eloquently

when leaves fell down

some body announced

river teista had stopped flowing

how will these leaves be drained into the river now

and fertilize the fields 

in which those flowers bloom

of which the garland i had planned to offer

to you Ma kaali

on this shivratri

may be now you have to live with 

stale flowers

that bloomed days ago

or the ones grow on raod side 

like the drona pushp

which reduce pain of many

after years of toil

with indifference writ all over so eloquently

why does one need to know

why does one need to know
how do we draw the water from a well
which is deep and often gets dried
but some times, overflows
when rains have not drained away
is it that water is precious
only when it is difficult to drain

respecting silence

why does  a person choose to be silent,
should not i then respect that silence,
if every such quiet valley is forced to be filled with sound of rivers or winds,
where will those birds  go
which need to hear only the flutter of wings or
where will those souls go,
which hear or
wish to hear just the flutter of eyelids
