When I was walking today morning
I saw you quietly walking besides me
I am not sure
If your silence was a reminder
Of my words
I said & did not mean fully
Or was it just a reprimand
For all the moments when I kept quiet
Instead of talking
Shadows are longer today
When it is late
Shadows get longer
The light is dim
But spirit gets stronger
I m in wait
I m often late
Letting you know
We can write on a clean slate
Embers smoulder
Fire inside burns pillars of ego
Holding the sky of ambitions
Surrender, says the smoke
#poem #poetry
<img src=”https://anilg.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/IMG_1896.jpeg” alt=”” width=”1200″ height=”1600″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-5442″ /
Embers smoulder
Fire inside burns pillars of ego
Holding the sky of ambitions
Surrender, says the smoke
#poem #poetry
Why am I abandoning this boat
When shore seems near
Seems near
May be it is far
Do I need to leave this
Just like this
May be not
This dilemma is the oar
With which I row the boat !!
Obsolescence of echoes
When morning sun rises
When your heart aches
The waves of lost dreams drown
The echoes of obsolescence
Of lost laughters
Silence was scattered all around
Silences are scattered
Like dried leaves
Will they decompose
Or rejuvenate through sprouts
Or be taken in a caravan
By the ants
To places unknown
irrational visions
you may accuse me of being irrational
true it is largely
but not all irrational acts are wasteful
this world would not exist
will it?
dismayed but not disappointed yet
i am dismayed
by the wrinkles i see
on the curtains soaked in rain
the last night
but i am not disappointed
slowly wind will blow
and drapes will get stretched
it is possible
it may happened
that’s my hope
did i really squeeze the lemon too hard
did i squeeze the lemon to hard
why is it so bitter
have not i let it grow smoothly
did i not water the tree when it needed to
may be i did not prune it
may be