763 Why did you heal,


Why did you heal,

Even a single wound

I had collected so many

Only to remain in pain,

Lest some body suspects

Smiles on my face to be hollow

I had covered with them

Like a lid of love  on cans of sorrow

Do not blame me for swinging

Like a pendulum of endless hope

And a desperation to die

After all, do not the sand dunes bear

The silence of cold nights

And summer of promises that wear

With time, like the vain tides of time

I will not complain, if you remain there, just quiet





Before the bridges could be built

Before the bridges could be built

 The river had dried

I asked the mason to collect the stones

And start the construction still,

He was not convinced, did not stir at all

His wisdom had never been before, defied

I still hope that river will flow again

And I will need to cross over once in a while

But was there  some thing, I don’t know

Which had silently died?



6.46 pm oct 15, 2006


i did not have to say

i did not have to say

what you meant

when u just waved hand

and went away

i remember the whiff of fresh air

that passed me by

and evaporated the fatigue in my eye

and ruffled my white hair

now, that you are gone, i am waiting still

will the nectare of time

be there to fill

my cup is broken

my thirst is forgotten

but i long still

for some  one to take care

when all the chaos  i create

and donot have a moment to spare

my life, my friends

and partners in crimes

of neglecting my duties many many times

why will you


why will you let go

i had breached the dam

why would not now

the free river flow

harvester of waves

harvester of waves

extractor of  caves

from within the no man’s land

pulverizing  memories

of roads abandoned

so that you can go on

even when no one mentions

why we do not  have time to build pavements

when the road of life gets too crowded




sanctuary of sighs, are u

sanctuary of sighs, are u

why would one become a deity

or an apostle

when indulgence is so easy

and the aftermath bothers

only those who have carved

obelisks of  every thought

that has failed to permeate their conscience

when wait turns into devotion,

when wait turns into devotion,
the patience into perseverence
the tears dry leaving no trace
the memories take over every station
life then assumes a purpose
the flowers become fragrance
and the eyes a gateway to passion
for meanings, that  are obscure today
but will change some thing on the way
when i will not be there any more
footprints will find difficult to endure
you will have to carry the missions forward
so what, if i wouldnot be able to call it absurd

when tears were no more eloquent

when tears were no more eloquent

the silences filled my room

and i sat quietly

you did not

ask me

i did not have to tell

why should words have to fill in

for the feelings that are  better left

on the edge of a window sail

to dry up, or evaporate or

just burn up when sun is hot

and is not in rush

to set

do i play games with you, O Kaali

do i play games with you, O Kaali

when you defy the rules of piety

become angry and only see my vanity


look away and do not waste your compassion

my tears and toil are beyond your comprehension
why should i pray to you in solitude

how can you ignore my fortitude

i have decided to defy you again,

you may warn me, and tell me of pain

that I court time and again, and again

but do i therefor stop asking you to bestow your grace

you try your trusted ones, by embellishing their mace

with all the trials and tribulations

that one has to accept as a part of  your compassion