Why had every thing become so reasonable

A child on the sea shore

had collected good lot of beautiful stones

Some sea shells and some conks

I wanted to trade a few

And did not know what to offer

In exchange,

So I asked, will she give me the red one

She said what will I offer

I asked her choice

And she asked my spectacles

But why,

did not she know

She had beautiful eyes

And I had weak eyes,

Why will she need spectacles

But then I understood, she wanted the look

Of spectacles

I asked he, if she wanted to look older

Than her age,

She smiled, may be, is wisdom a sign of age

I wish I could tell her, it is not

We went to an optician

Requested for her  plain glasses,

And by then I thought

she would have forgotten about the red stone

but she had not

only that she offered all her stones now

and I had enjoyed so much her questions

Cynical comments and

the women like jumbled up relationships

between things,

unrelated things connected in ways

I was not used to,

I did not want trade to symbolize our exchange

But she would not have any of my emotional crap

One could give things

Yes, gift her things only at her terms

And I had to take the red stone

But also the beautiful green stone, shells

And the rest

Why had every thing become so reasonable

Why had glasses look so good to her

Had I already taken away her innocence

By teaching her trade

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