the venue has changed but drama is on

the venue has changed but drama is on

no matter what you may say
but the dreams are born
every day when i do not find

towel in place

or my kerchief hanging

and button broken

with no axe to grind

i ask myself

is this the way you show your presence

in my life and path, all the time

without a moment to spare

asking me, what is hence

3 Replies to “the venue has changed but drama is on”

  1. it is so nice of you to publish your poems on your blog .It is a refreshing change from all the garbage that people publish on their blog .Great poetry is timeless and i think it touches all humanity and as in your last poem you have written “efforts dont
    go in vain ” ,I am sure your poetry may reach that level when it touches all humanity !

  2. the sprouts of questions
    have taken over
    all the minds, hands and the paths
    all over, they have found willingness
    of the hosts to let them be
    why then have we become so sensitive
    we do not even let our questions
    on the soul
    that survives
    all the cyclones, eruptions of volcano
    and also smiles

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