there used to be a tree here

there used to be a tree here

off th emain road

under which some times

when people were tired

they sat down to take rest

some stayed on longer and some

walked away

eager to reach their destination

today the tree is not there,

termites will not tell you its address

nor the way to each its roots

all the paths to go there have been sealed

by the slow


and still

moments of silence

you may try and thenblame yourself

for not having come in time

but the truth is

the tree has lived its life off

it is time we let it be forgotten and

let new sprouts come, grow

and give shade

may be you find that

more soothing and reassuring

the old tree

be allowed to wither away

from even the memory

lest it reminds you of

all that it might have offered

but is unbale to do so

let desires of spending few moments

under a lost tree not drain

your spirit

2 Replies to “there used to be a tree here”

  1. The Luminous Polestar, with stars revolving,
    Reveled in showers of rank profound;
    While perennial bloom,
    Nesting an aviary
    Soft warbles once did miss,
    Little caring
    Amidst chirps and howls,
    Of burly flocks from distant towns.
    The voyager on a sojourn
    Looked in again, and little refrained
    Pricing right the charioteer behind
    Daring alike
    Claws feline and stares equine;
    Buried in blighted
    Rind heard the alter ego
    Meter unheard bless the fosterer with vim unbound
    To shun the pest and trample the rest
    In silence claiming share
    Of chant divine.

  2. when i tried to tell
    it was enough
    the words, prose or poem
    went astray
    the guard asked me to pay
    the tax to enter
    the house
    once mine
    but i had empty pockets
    with no desire to count
    what i never could
    mind, the curency of care, concern and compassion
    had taken its toll
    of the wealth
    i had lost,
    now you ask,
    if i will let the
    tide sweep away
    all the nests of animals
    that bury their destiny under the sand
    on sea shore
    with no allowance
    for disquiet
    i have no answer
    may be i do not need an answer
    am i afraid
    or is it just a trade
    of love, respect and devotion
    with goals, sacrifice and passion

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