sparkles in the eye

sparkles in the eye
when there is nothing else to vie
you suggest, we breathe deep
lest palpitations creep
and the moments evaporate
into nothingness, or a sweet smile,
so desperate
to try,
may the patience prevail
may the hesitations die
may the sacrifice only stay
for thats what makes
the life worth living or even die

silence in a stormy wind

devotions in a sultry weather, go astray
the silence in a stormy wind
may be sapped
by the black-hole of expectations
only way
one keeps poise, lets the river flow and
be ready for a surprise
is to pray
may the cloudburst wash the stains
or the hot summer winds dry the roots
of the ‘weeds’
which grew in my garden
to argue, assimilate, and accommodate
if they wished,
the flowers i had grown,
medicinal plants i needed
to heal some one
the mushrooms to shelter
a few ants
wilting in a drought, else

on the threshold

on the threshold
i waited with berated breath
will the wave swallow the pride
of the sand
on the
but then
it just collected a little bit of sand,
and went back in the arms of the sea
always in wait
in haste

tears swallow the smiles

whenever i try to escape
your grace
Maa Kali
you endow me with
even more trust and love

and then being dependent on them
i become helpless
unable to shrug the burden
of benign attention
hesitant journey becomes longer
steps falter
and the tears swallow the smiles
that i had brought to offer
at the steps of your temple

drought of desires

deafening sounds,
insistent breeze,
echo less mountains,
whither flow the tears


drought of desires,
rain of reflections,
silent rocks,
reverberations of inaction

silence was deceptive

silence was deceptive,
roars of wounded tiger was all
i could hear,
no matter what i offered,
she remained unsettled,
now, may she devour me,
so that i could hear the sounds inside,

when i err

when i err
u forgive
when i stir a branch
you deliver all the ripened fruits
but withe them
some leaves too fall
and not knowing whether to take them away
or leave them to decompose
breeze remains unsettled
in a dilemma
and i start collecting them
to offer them at your altar

Maa Kali: don’t forgive so much

No matter by what name I call you
You still adore the steps I walk
Why do you forgive
The possessive devotees
Who will not let wayward
Opportunistic and sometimes indifferent
To sweep those steps
May be that’s the way
You be what you are

Maa kaali

When the rays reflect no more
Though The mirror still is very pure
The images betray the trust
But the journey wl continue, for sure
I have to surrender all desires
If only, maa kali, to assure


when i err
u forgive
when i stir a branch
you deliver all the ripened fruits
but withe them
some leaves too fall
and not knowing whether to take them away
or leave them to decompose
breeze remains unsettled
in a dilemma
and i start collecting them
to offer them at your altar

A sprouted stone

A sprouted stone
Unspoken words
Meditative depression
Flow with the wind
Are you testing me, maa kaali?

Grooves of pain
Long walks through the forest
What did I forget
That you took so long to accept
My offering ?