a prayer

may this pot of water
quench the thirst
of all travellers
who pass by this road
alone or together
with their friends
but if somebody tries
to break the pot
stir it to precipitate all the dust settled
at its bottom
may wisdom
dawn on him
after all,
my pot was stirred likewsie
one day
on this road,
and dust has not settled yet

energy transmutation

energy shared
fire has engulfed
all the barn
with the dry hay
i had stored to spread on ground in wintery night
to ward off the cold
now, i will sit
around the fire
in which i have burnt
every insulation against the cold winds

Restive spirit

The restive sprit
Struggling spring
Just move on
Don’t stop
Might not then
Fountain sprinkle any more
Drops of blood.
Oozing out of old wounds

Contract with the spring

Patience did the thing first
Persistence later
When nothing made sense
Indifference set in
Now the autumn has taken
The toll of leaves,
Pruned tree
Doesn’t augur well
The parasites over my soul
Have spread a lot
Gardner says, leave them
How else
Will I keep the contract with the spring

Not any more

Doesn’t work any more
She said
And turned away
The tears tried but could not hold sway
The whispers became loud
The estuaries cried,
When boats gave way
Doesn’t work any more
She said

White scarf

Red scarf
White snow
Trees are bleeding
Don’t irrigate the fields
It’s going to be frosty night
Let the crop die
I will,dig a grave in this field
And burry the
White scarfs

I need to sleep again

Don’t stir the pot
I said the other day
And you brought out
A magic bird
Out of a hat
Now I say
Stir it
And may be magic works again
And I can sleep
I need to sleep
In the arms
Of a white angel
Plays violin
I m asleep

No less thorns

White rose
Has no less thorns than the
Black one or even red one
Then why do we assume that
Some colours can lessen the pain
May be the memories
Of the moments spent
Under the trees
That had flowers of that colour do the trick
But now that tree
Under which
You played carefree
Is no more
How do I comfort you then