In pursuit of authenticity

What else could I gift you
An envelop of authentic playfulness
Do what you please
Without bearing the burden of
Putting different addresses on the envelops
Dance in the desert
You deserve it
All of it

Trade off of negative capability

It’s not true, I said
It is true, he asserted
I argued and asserted and shouted and then
Like a ballon punctured
Became quiet
His assertions
Demonstrate that
My negative capability has gone up
But I only dread when things are too clear
Have lost the capability to face precision

Positive capability
Has been lost in the process,

Prison of authentic inmates

Is it time to liberate
All the memories
From the prison of authentic inmates
No body gets jilted here
Without his consent
Crimes that bring people here
Are committed not in the world
But inside
No police
No courts
Just the decision
Of a person
To get imprisoned
Behind tall walls of memories

The design of the dancing queen

Emperor was pleased
Queen was dancing
Whites were the colour of the season
No stains
No chains
No complaints
The designs of dancing queen
Were intriguing
She did t know her mind either
But when forced to admit
Smiles got scattered
In all directions
Like a small cracker explosion
Let us celebrate the
Feel and the frown

Nothing much really

Sparrow’s delight
Don’t dance so much
You may sprain your legs
But then
The moments which u want to celebrate will
Be lost
Sustain the spirit
Nothing much is lost
Nothing much really

No regrets

Once I was hit hard
For having failed to come up
To your expectation
I don’t regret that
Some times failure is necessary
To realise why
We can’t be left to ourselves

It doesn’t matter, any way

Running fast through the maze of
Meaningless stumps of cut trees
I saw a creeper
Fallen on the ground
May be it adorned the branch of a tree
Before it was cut
But how does that matter
The soundproof walls
The non reflective roof
Nothing can stop
The call to reach
The ears
Which are willing to listen
But for the rest
It doesn’t matter
Any way

Leave the vehicle

Forgot my bag today
While crossing the security
Tomorrow I might forget the gifts
While leaving things behind
I m feeling lighter
Will I leave the driver
And the vehicle
The body

blanket of blessing

why do you need blanket
when all around there is a warmth of the fire
lit since the volcano had overflowed
the molten lava has settled along the path
on which we were to walk
now either we burn our feet
or walk elsewhere
but i still offer blanket
silly of me
blessings are bestowed
even when ash
and eyes can not see clearly
blessings matter,
blanket of blessings matter even more