Betrayal by the banks

All the dreams
Of crafting
A new being
Now looking like a smoke screen
You did not have to
The trust
With tyranny of timidity
Reducing the concern
For creating a new being
Now into a simple sleight
Of a silly moment
Flow could not contain
And felt
Betrayed by the banks

Banalities of life

May be the volcano
Was waiting To swallow
Pride of a mountain
And did it care,
If in the ash sputtered in the sky
There were claims
Of a lake
How much did it care
Like the feet of clay
Of a saint
Everything was demolished
All the lamps offered in the temple
Of the revered lake
Had been thrown away
In a minute
The mountain was defeated

What happened

I was here

And then I reached here

We’re you watching my steps
All in one life
One day
One moment
What happened
Does it require something to happen?

Waited at the door, o Ma kaali

I waited at your door
In pain
For long
Praying that all
The pains be showered on me
If for no other reason
Then to assure me
That you care
But you continued to shower your love
Smiles and sometimes rather too richly
And that’s why
I m unsure
That you care


Think out of the box
She said
You are not getting to the point
I broke all the boxes
But there was no point
May be the point had become
A large hole
Sucking all the pieces
Of broken boxes
Full of colours
Hopes and
Non reciprocal

Prism of patience

Canvas feeling a little shy
He can’t contain the colours any more
I asked him why was he sad
For so long
Why did he stint in scattering colours
He whispered,
Colours were always there
Prism of patient love
Was missing
How could he have refracted colours

Bow is about to be broken

Equanimity is eluding me
Attachments are taking their toll
Finding it difficult to unhinge
The bonds are about to break
Just like the bow of angry Rishi
Who knows
Who will be punished
But the bow is likely to be broken

Misread eyes

Lot of eyes which I drew
Were misread
May be because thy were moistened
And may be the sullen
Sadness hidden underneath
Caused the confusion
Not Any more
Glow in these eyes
Assures me
Sparkling lake will not destabilise your boat
Row it joyfully
Unhindered and reach the other end
Safe and sure

Sprout of a smile

I have relinquished the responsibility
I had taken
To tend your garden
You can appoint a new gardener
While leaving the charge
I have sown the seeds of smiles
They will sprout soon
Butterflies will crowd the garden
You will laugh as always
And scatter all the carefree
Drops of dew
So what if there will be only a few
Flowers less
With the confusion
That accompanies the monsoon
And be clear
Resolve the knots
That had tied you to the edge
Liberate and leave