red sparks

red sparks

will there be a fire now

i hope there is

let it burn
all the listless bits of stories that
i told
and also which i did not


dont speak
just be there

sit down

sit down
you have been standing for long
now take rest
dont say a word
take responsibility
for the punctured tube

discovered the key

did not escape
my garden today
friends no more
was written on a board outside
and i got assured
that this is the door to happiness
outside the web of expectations
and reciprocal IOUs
i discovered the key
to this door last night
while searching for
your toe ring

glasses in place, always, why

standing on a precipice
i wondered if jumping into the valley of silence
will help
i chose to speak,
but did i have to
may be i had to just absorb all the upheavals
let all the culverts flow again
road is not well made
it is possible that the car turns over
but i will still have to resolve to keep my glasses in place

weeding memories

then there was a whirlpool
i was not sure
if i heard the voices in my head right
but there was a conversation
between wind and a kind seedling
both were willing to give way
to each other
and yet they were in the way
of time,
tides of sweet memories
now have germinated again
weed them
or feed them?

can i be a sprout

planted a few seedlings
after the flood had left the soil moist
but the mud was deep
and i could not extricate myself
from it
several times
can i be a sprout here
in this marshy land?

Letting storms through

Holding an umbrella
When I wanted it to rain
Wasn’t so strange
You must either let storms enter through
The broken windows
Or even a drop
Of dew
Will be denied
The access
To your eyelids
That’s true
When rivers don’t know
How to cope with extremes
What else can they do

Seeds of surprise, sow, sow

Even if the limbs are not stable
Even if the eyelids are heavy
For all the glances scattered
Here and there
Fir coming back to gaze
In the ungrazed pasture
Seeds of surprise
In the grasslands
Is dancing
Birds are chirping
Squirrel is having her breakfast
From the plate you served