Try, persist

So unsettled,
Why are you so thirsty
Have you been anxious
But then isn’t that a sign
Of giving up

And passionate pursuits
Do make it
Why deny
Ecstatic moment

Will you try, o sun

Before setting
Sun paused
At the corner
And asked
Will you try
To illuminate
The dark
Corners in somebody’s conscience
Who can’t keep track
Of why
She let so much darkness
The sanctum Santorum
Of her inner temple
In the first place

Swallow the rock

Star studded night
Silent stream
Why are you sitting there on a desolate rock
Waiting for full moon
To make waves mad
Don’t expect your slate
To be washed
By the waves
Which are now impatient
To swallow the rock
On which you waited for so long

Do all the chores one does
Before celebrating reunion
It is not too far
Moon is patient
And waves forgive the
Who could not carry you
Across the river

Be as you are, always

I don’t doubt
O healer
Your acumen to heal
But is it necessary
That all patients may get well
After all
You have healed me so often in past
Did I stop getting sick after that?
I m what I m
Can you not be what you are

A loud laughter

A loud laughter
Subtle smile
No trading allowed
But gifts abound
Let us fold the curtains
Light is waiting to get in
Will you get aside

why shouldn’t i

It’s true that I asked
Why should not I
When we know the limits
Are reached
We can give up
We can try
We can ask
I asked
Why should not I

slow walk

slow walk
unsure talk
am i reading your lips right?
or meanings wrought
what was sought
go, as far as u can
and dont turn back
the rights of passage
is still available
walk through the forest of fire
dont count, the trees of desire
they will shed the leaves now
dont be arrogant, pl bow

moistened morning

a moist morning
seems as if
the sky
cried whole night
but only hesitatingly,
lest the reservoir of tears
and drought occurs
now i know
the seeds of surprise
silent cries
will not be dormant too long
they will germinate
and bring, may be smiles
or just a realization
that clouds are unable to bear
the expectations, embedded in a wait