let us celebrate our defeats

submitting all of you
every time
you got short changed
i understand
i can feel
the pain
that this can cause
but is it the way to seek meaning in life
should we dissolve all of us so often,
will solvent not take away
will the essence not evaporate
how do we retain that
without holding back too much
seems the challenge
and it is not necessary
we win this challenge every time
let us celebrate our defeats

Puncture the tube of my happiness

Slow down
Sit down
The pain has been quite severe
You may not know how
The crackle sound of dry leaves
On which you walked once
Has stayed with me
And I will keep recalling it
Whenever I need to puncture
My tube of happiness

To witness the waves

Don’t pause
Or stop
Move on
The ridges are not too sharp
Valley’s not too deep
You have a way to discover
Go to the land of opportunities
When sun will set will set at chaupati
Sand will be moist
And walking there
To witness waves
Will remind the words, images and sounds
That have got blurred now

go, just go

solo flight
nobody to navigate,
no connection to the ground
let me take off
far above the visible sky

i want to go beyond the light
do i have that much might?

i want to grow,
beyond the tallest oak tree
and then lat me roots take off like a space rocket
off to a new world
where people dont
measure goodness in IOUs
where precision in measuring sighs is lost
i wouldn’t raise a toast
go, just go

i will let you go, o my little empty sky

i will let you go,
because that is the only way to show
that i care,
there is nothing to declare
there is no tear to wipe any more

there is no swollen eye
there is only a hole in the sky
pour whatever pain
you can through it
pour it
o, my dear empty sky

i will let you go
because you dont want to know
the fire is not going to quieten just like that
it will consume all the promises, unkept
it will reduce into white ash, nights unslept
i will let you know
because there is glow
clouds are bright, so i had thought
deep dry rings are rising in the sky
but dont ask why
my dear empty sky
i will let you go
o squirrel, you are a little slow
thats why the valley will bow
o my little empty sky

i will let you go

dont argue, when there is nothing to deny

dont argue
when there is nothing to deny
just say, whatever there is to say, say
i didnot leave the sail of the boat punctured
i did not ask, why, i dont not ask why

dont argue
where is nothing to deny,
say, say,
dont just heave a deep sigh
why did i see a blue dim star in the sky
did i know, it was going to disappear, why
i didnot ask why, i dont ask why

dont deny the discovery

there were many temples on the street
you paused and prayed in front of many
and that displeased the Goddess Kaali
she asked
are u not confident of my blessings?
then go to the doors
which assure you of
benign future
now you wonder, where did you do mistake
praying at many doors is ok
but not pursuing any with devotion,
single minded faith
may deny the discovery
of the power within
you can not cajole, shame and abuse
the goddess to melt her heart
she is what she is
and prescient
take her advice
walk on
may be that is the best blessing
you have been waiting for

is it the next destination

Don’t look into my eyes

Don’t look into my eyes
I m not sure any more
If I can mask
What you see
now or may see in future
Fold back the envelop
Go to the post office
Send the letter
I will not wait for it
Don’t look into my eyes
I m not sure

somewhere, sometime

spring time is over, summer is setting in
new leaves were waiting for rains
but now they dont care
the intriguing shower
of drops of love
should not distract
from teh summer heat
we willwalk through the farms
and deserts
and hopefully
discover the cactii in bloom

Soak soak soak

No hurt
No matter
How curt
Will flow the river
So what
If u don’t understand

No no
We must try to understand
Pauses in life
Don’t mean
Full stop
Move on
Move in
Move out
Life is never still
Fire on one front
Can have rain on another
Soak soak soak