Drained river

A river was flowing
Then suddenly an earthquake
Fractured its base
It got drained
Now that clouds hover in the sky
It is reconciling to
Flow again
So what if
Only intermittently

sedimented truth

trees without shaDE
washed the cups of coffee
drained the leftovers,
sedimented truth
of life
will not become compost so soon,
but one has to keep trying
aroma of the coffee will stay
stains on the fragile scarf may not stay
i will do with what stays
and live without what goes away
isnt that one rule of life
which will keep us sane?
prayers will accompany the stains
and the multitudes of life
work on the leftovers to let
them manure
the trees under which you may
save yourself
from scorching sun and some fatigue

Let me go

Blue obelisk
Is your gift
I will always KEeP with me
Soaked in poison
It was kept ready
To be installed
On my grave
Now that you are ready
Let me go

Rest is burden

It will not be necessary
For you to remember any IOUs
These become meaningless if
One has to make an effort to remember
The effortlessness Is the essence
Rest is burden
Go and celebrate your freedom
From the ugly web of transactions
Without purpose sometimes
And sometimes for purpose
That you have abandoned long ago

Moon is silent today

The moon is silent today
Dogs are barking
They are not in a mood to play
The gardener is still awake
Don’t feed these dogs too much,
He says, they begin to expect too much
But then
Don’t we all do the same ?
Moon is speaking up
Dogs are quiet now

wasted tears dont not tend the garden

why did you think
shrubs will blossom
if irrigated with tears
in memories of moments
that only make you feel
how generous one can be
with one follies
tend your garden with your sweat
shrubs will blossom again

Celebrate the flowering

Celebrate the flowering
Of a bud
So dormant
was it
That the
Manure of meaninglessness
Wasn’t available much?
Seeking to control
The Air and light,
Did you let
The bud suppress its will to flower?

Now let it glow
On a sea shore
Let it show
How well it can dance
And forget
The follies of yesteryears

why doubt His decision

Death can’t be avoided, but may b v can make it descent,
but that’s not easy when we r burdened with so much already

Death can’t be reasoned,
like a meaningless whorl
we just listen to it,
celebrate it or absorb it

death has no eason
why blame any one
any reason could be good enough
do we trust HIm or not
if we do,
then why doubt His decision