
do not feed the hurt so much of your precious nourishment of rememberances to keep it alive, let it heal, how else but by forgiving

there used to be a tree here

there used to be a tree here

off th emain road

under which some times

when people were tired

they sat down to take rest

some stayed on longer and some

walked away

eager to reach their destination

today the tree is not there,

termites will not tell you its address

nor the way to each its roots

all the paths to go there have been sealed

by the slow


and still

moments of silence

you may try and thenblame yourself

for not having come in time

but the truth is

the tree has lived its life off

it is time we let it be forgotten and

let new sprouts come, grow

and give shade

may be you find that

more soothing and reassuring

the old tree

be allowed to wither away

from even the memory

lest it reminds you of

all that it might have offered

but is unbale to do so

let desires of spending few moments

under a lost tree not drain

your spirit


when we listen to ourselves

we hear voices that tell us the truth

but we also hear the voices that make us timid. first come from with in, second reflect the baggage we have accumulated on the way.

may the dust settle, before storms begins anew

may the dust settle, before storms begins anew

who knows if it will rain at all

the heat has made the journey of dust


but then where will it settle

how do i know

my scarf is dusty

and so is my bag

but still there is some thing which is clean

is it because

it has  not been judged

and thus not tagged

or is it because

it has repelled

every spirit

and substance

dust included


when we are tired, fatigued and exhausted, we pray, and of course we pray for all the benign world that we forsee, in excitement, joy and the moments of triumph, Kabir says, if we pray, we may not ever get exhausted, or fatigued

Kaaali 43 when sins devour the desires

when sins devour the desires
and the passion
does now own what it sires
you ask, as if it is enough
to live in this world
with all the dark deeds
casting their shadow
over the future steps
left to follow
Ma Kaali! i then surrender
to your wishes
and just aspire
whenever some blessings are left
in your basket
after showring them over all
your ardent devotees
you will empty those
over my path
lest i suffer
always from your contempt
and can not even hope
for a baptism by fire

rocks hold my secrets


rocks hold my secrets

river reveal my game plans

you cursed me no less

but why did not you ask the

dried leaves about what was the purpose

what was the destination

why did i love you all

why i did i nurture

in your eyes

my hopes and smiles

what will i take with me

when i actually die

will it not be these curses

will it be the ash left by the fire

you lighted in my storehouse

of memories

of all the struggles, and laughters in vain
and promises to change the world

just in our life time

just in case