what is the name of the star

when the train stopped
the whistle was blown
but now the train has started

you asked me
what is the name of the star
which fell down,
when we both looked at it

i had not seen the hands
which trembled yesterday
i will now speak lightly


you have yearned for clouds

when berries have dried
go and pick up  the seeds,
replant them in the garden
of love in your backyard
which is where you began to enjoy
the music of myenahs
and the sight of lillies you planted
in winter
when nothing else grew,
the smell of mint and
the basil leaves that did not survive

are all there to recall
only if you would have time
to listen, touch and feel
the purity of intimate air
without beaconing an expectation
and yet so sure
so certain
but not without doubts
of intentions impure
you have to decide
whether to smile and laugh
or be worried and
then cry
to ask for the moments
which can only revive
the pain
but then when did you really like
the clear sky

you have yearned for clouds
that will dissipate sooner than later
though their shadow can create the
illusion of evening
but why not seek
the silence of the night
\when birds have gone back to their nest
and he is around
who you rever, healed and brought back
from the  cliff of time
only to be left
alone when spirit was waiting to be sublime

not even our intimate tears

today when distances donot claim
all the space
and are neither able to squeeze the
the bubble of time
i wonder
why did one plant the seeds of
evergreen cactus
which flowers only when
we are tired
of growing flowers in the beds
in which we never poured water
not even our intimate tears
i think the time has come
to face the truth
of our lives
when we crave for attention
we actually cry
because we never looked at the small
things which nature
showed us and left us to try
to see
hear and feel,
but we were busy
with abosrbing
loud screams
only of those
who did not have really any time
for listening to their  inner voice

not even our intimate tears

today when distances donot claim
all the space
and are neither able to squeeze the
the bubble of time
i wonder
why did one plant the seeds of
evergreen cactus
which flowers only when
we are tired
of growing flowers in the beds
in which we never poured water
not even our intimate tears
i think the time has come
to face the truth
of our lives
when we crave for attention
we actually cry
because we never looked at the small
things which nature
showed us and left us to try
to see
hear and feel,
but we were busy
with abosrbing
loud screams
only of those
who did not have really any time
for listening to their  inner voice

looking out of my window

misty morning
moist leaves
looking out of my window
i see wrinkled crease
on the curtain held covered
for long by the neighbour
but the sultry weather
still atmosphere
a braclet around the curtains
folded after all
why does mist prevent
me to see
the face
of a stranger
who will not be seen
when sun brightens the day

looking out of my window

misty morning
moist leaves
looking out of my window
i see wrinkled crease
on the curtain held covered
for long by the neighbour
but the sultry weather
still atmosphere
a braclet around the curtains
folded after all
why does mist prevent
me to see
the face
of a stranger
who will not be seen
when sun brightens the day

looking out of my window

misty morning
moist leaves
looking out of my window
i see wrinkled crease
on the curtain held covered
for long by the neighbour
but the sultry weather
still atmosphere
a braclet around the curtains
folded after all
why does mist prevent
me to see
the face
of a stranger
who will not be seen
when sun brightens the day

when the silt gets washed away

lifting the sand and silt

on the river bank

i was singing songs

to thank the river

for flowing steadily, slowly and keeping low

you were taking it on the road

to be carried far

to build houses of all those

who longed for these.

suddenly the river was angry

flow was fast and level high

all the sand we collected since morning

was washed away

you laughed as if it was just a castle of sand

but then of course

it was a castle of sand