Wind is still

Wind is still
But clouds are unsettled
You can say
What you wish
I will listen
And bear
With your

munificence of meanings

the meanings went astray
as i sat
over the stone
a big dark one
near the placid lake
having a few trees
heavily laden with creepers
some having nest of weaver birds hanging on many branches
soaking moist breeze under the shade

your munificence has surpassed my ability to hold
why are you then so cold

my breath the tree

dont hold me so tight
said the creeper
to the tree
but was it possible for tree to restrain himself
he could not
now that the tree has withered away
you remember the embrace
and wonder
if imprints of the arms
can become the tendrils

and my breath the tree

ask yourself

look through the clouds
i told you but
the wind was too strong
how could the cloud have held
on its own
it got scattered
without raining
do you wish
to be like that cloud
ask yourself

a tenuous link

tears cant be traded with tencel
absorbing the pains to release smiles
and do the opposite
when it suits
but will you also stop
playing these games with your destiny
why should we always
defer the resolution
of those knots
which hold the tenuous link intact so long
but till when
really, till

solvent of my soul

speaks today
through your eyes
all the efforts you made
to go away
have come to naught
not that i wished so
but if i did, will i confess
dont ask me
why do i drink
it is to dissolve this truth in
the solvent of my soul

morning full of tears

morning full of tears
when some one just bears
all the pain alone
where has your silly smile gone
come closer, if you will
kneel and touch the ground, wet still
by the wasted tears
look, a wind which shamelessly shears
the curtain, old and worn out in the window
what else but compassion, have i/we to show

you dont like my reference to any saga of sadness
and you will create circles of madness
i will keep patience, just pl understand
have not i taken a vow, to let you not bend

when some one just bears


Once you meditated with me
And showered grace
Then what happened
The desires took over
And the gate of the garden of grace closed
On you

May be I faltered
May be the mistake was
To seek solace
In borrowed space
You trespassed
Into somebody’s courtyard
She cries, not realising the
Gardeners who let trespasser in
May not tend the integrity of weeds
Let us redefine the rules of tending
The garden

Meditate with me again
Will you
We will pray to Kaali Maa
To bestow on us all her anger
So long as it is truthful
And without reservations
Let us pray
Without any reservations

A white hole

A white hole

Don’t betray
The rays reflected in the lake of my tears
Please don’t

My trust,
Hopes and faith
Were floating in the lake

The boatman has given you
Access to all of the sky
When you wanted
But is there a place
Left for him to cry
When you will
Out of anger or frustration
Throw the oars
In the water?

saga of an incomplete pink pearl

a drop was about to fall
from the edge of infinity
etched in my eyes
but then it fell in your lap
in wait
like an unfolded oyster
not knowing
that pearls can not grow
when oysters remain open
to many drops
bless those drops