
did i not submit fully
with no reservations
no hesitation
or even
and yet
you wanted more
without ever
thinking of all those
who have surrendered to me
and their rights over me
why should their submissions be less precious than mine

Tilted frames

Tilted frames, distorted view
Why should we take for granted
Those whom we respect,
Are we naive
Or too clever

Sedimented truth

Friendship is not
About opportunism
One can have only as much
After all
Sooner or later
Truth will precipitate

Fabric of future

Don’t give up
Move on
The sustenance may be sought
All the weaves
On the broken loom
That you painstakingly tried
To put in place
May the weft of love
And warp of sacrifice
Create the fabric of future

Moon was tired

Was tired
Of waiting
For pelican to fly
So that in the shadows of its wings
It could let the fishes dance
In the sea below
But pelican didn’t fly
The day is over
Waves are feeling uneasy
Will they not?

Feathers of a bird

Yes, it is my problem,
I accepted
When you insisted
That it didn’t matter
The feathers
Of a bird
Fallen on your way
Didnot deter you
For a moment
To ask,
Is the bird injured?
Today when the cage is open
Bird has been asked to fly
It doesn’t want to
Fear of control
Has gone
But do you wish
To be controlled
Tell me
O nasty

the roots of wilting pastures……

a stream
flowing through the mountains,
overcame many hurdles on its way.
but it kept on flowing
till it reached the valley.
not sure,
whether to flow again,
or become a lake,
it spread itself thinly
amidst various ravines and cracks.
the peaks don’t miss it any more,
valleys thank it
for nourishing
the roots of wilting pastures……

tamed by the banks, river

struggles took a toll
of the resolve of a traveller
wanting to walk on many paths
not sure
which were the purpose
and which were distractions
but then the meandering river
can become a lake
if not tamed by the banks
or flood
the huts of those
who have no where to go

forgiving is easy

forgiving is easy,
and imperative when
there is a will to reflect
we may reinforce self referential
one can still forgive
all the beastly barbs
and not hold on to them
lest they pollute the river
on the bank of which you mediate