When ashes speak

Prayers continue
Struggle of a wave
Witnesses a close shave
The poise of ripples
Gives way
When for a moment
The storms of sighs
Extinguishes the fire
In a forest of desires
The ashes speak
The tale of islands passed
While roving in the river
I could not hear
The boat was about to capsize
But it did not

when sun is quieter

When even Sun is quieter
The clouds have their way
Seeking clarity every day
Is like denying the Piety

How do we know
When will one get her due
We can only and only pursue
Our path with integrity
Leaving sometimes the search For clarity


When dew dries fast

When the dew gets dried fast
When the smiles are lost in past
You don’t just sit & stare anymore
You walk & walk long till breaths last
#poetry or #lessonsoflife

A boat alone

A boat alone,
Millions of waves,
Horizon is hazy
Mind is crazy
But who cares,
The traveller stays
On course for now
Issue is not whether
But just, how


a lamp near a guava sapling

last night, we lighted two lamps
one near a guava sapling growing still
over your ashes
and another near a dried pit
where another seedling dried away
maybe the ashes which did not sprout
were of the bones that had crumbled
in front of me
tired, fatigued, and worn out
but there were others
which had my hopes
keeping the bone marrow alive
but now, it does not matter
whenever you are are

u know that you are the light
that still guides my way
in the storms all around