be quiet

be quiet

talk with in
who knows the whispers of her song
may get lost in the voice of her steps
if the fallen leaves crackle too much
be quiet


why should i say any thing
wasn’t it agreed
that when the wind will move the curtains
i will let it waver
lest shadows become still
and the word acquire density
such that they settle in the cup of tea
instead of floating
and may not overflow over the brim


i am aware that
a dialogue was needed
but could not take place
i didn’t want to puncture the sails
of the boat in which you wanted to cross the sea

why, just why,

The drops of sticky dew
Are not willing to dry
Rays of sun are insisting that they fly
Why are we not willing to be silent
When the window sails are asking

is spring around

I said no, when u wanted to hear yes
Is that the reason
Why bark of the tree is wrinkled
And the branches are bending down
Flowering is delayed
But the spring is around

a traveller is resting now

dont look at the wall
i am taking a little rest
after along journey, in the woods of pine
you decided to walk your way
which is just fine
let me wash all the stains of love
left behind by the ploughs, sickles and tyne

purple is the colour

purple is the colour
of the flowers
that bloomed
when clouds were stingy
and moved away
sit down said the breeze
to the sprouts
in rush to grow
before senescence sets in

dont promise too much to walk along

dont promise too much
o shadow
to walk along with me
on this curved path
too long
fallen leaves
have paved the milky way
with stars fallen from your eye
when the earnest gaze
was settled at a peak
too high