

Don’t stop, flow
River you promised, to go
Why then drown the banks?
Why are you so slow

I now face you

Don’t stop
Continue your aggression
Who knows wax may melt
Coat all the papers
Written with curses
Lest they ever get dissolved
In rain of kindness
Saner moments
Are yours
Insanity is my turf
Let me walk there

withered leaves will not complain

will all the withered leaves
bent branches of trees in my garden
whispers of breeze, hesitant, but resolute
i dont have any thing more to say
silence has taken over
like a wornout shawl
trying to cover on old night
a soul, which has overused the time
given by nature, so bye
let leaves dry
let withered moss bare the rocks
so what if a sigh filled night soaks
all the tears that flew
aimlessly, it seems now
could not let waves stear your way
could not have anything any more to say
let me wait when these trees will try up
but wood will still be useful
craft careful cups
and fill tem with hope, faith, blessings
that will be showered by the new trees
you would have planted by then

Looking for my North Star

Looking for my North Star
I paused near a jungle
Dissolved directions
Unsolved puzzles
Near death experiences
Sublime memories
All seemed to give up
North Star
North Star

How I wonder
Where you are

burden of tears that did not flow

dont tell me
to stay quiet
said that stream
loudly jostling with rocks
if i became quietyou will ahve dorught
and then birds that sustain your garden
will not return
tears are not enough
to irrigate all the tulips
i had planted in your garden years ago
shall i stop the flow

dont debark the tree so hard

i know
you need bark of this tree
to paste on your old wounds
that pain during winter
but if you debark too hard
the tree may die
how ill you heal then in future
let it stay alive
at least
for now