collect all the shells
broken and fragmented
from my shore
may be they can decorate your door
or a sill
but wait till
i decide to close the window
and sleep quietly
may be i will not get up
for long
may be i will
who knows when dreams are auctioned
like never before
Evaporate all the humility
loops of love
side by side, lying we saw that falling star
side by side, lying
we saw that falling star
was there for a minute
and then was swallowed by
a black hole of hopes
dont despair
whatever goes away
comes back
may be the spouts of its dust
will blossom in million new stars
when your eyes glow
and are compelled to show
the bare truth, and only bare glow
songs are not silent, why not humm them again
let us humm
same turn that beguiled us
when we were tired after a long walk
meditation in an ashram
could cool the fire of grievance
complaints soared
but then eventually, nothing coudl stick on
to the surface of your shawl
you spread on a dusty ground to take rest under atre
let me not bother you
may be you need solitude and solace
both under a tree
in a moonlit night
so it be
Stains of surreptitious desires
If it rains hard
should all lines in life be straight
we walked
so what if we had no answer
to the questions asked
by roots uprooted, lying forlorn
on the roadside
why did you not find a way
of going around us
is it so diffcult to find a curved path
should all lines in life be straight