
A loud laughter
Subtle smile
No trading allowed
But gifts abound
Let us fold the curtains

sprout inside

when the seed sprouted inside me
i could not decide
what to do
let it outgrow me
and then digest me as its manure
or let it remain inside
like a hope
dormant but
full of potential

i am still undecided


Remind every time
You meet
That exchanges took place
Symmetrical these were
But who can question
Your calling them


I am sad
Not because
I failed
In communicating simple truths
I m sad because
I couldn’t help you grow as much as I i wanted
But I haven’t given up yet
May be I will observe you growing
Inspite of me

Surrendered the serenity

Nothing more could be done
Surrendered the serenity
Picked up
The leftover chaos
Hoped that it will wipe away
Expectation of order
But that is not happening
May be the chaos
Hasn’t reached its limits

Don’t claim new territories

Ambivalence assured
No question need be asked
Just flow
Be true to yourself
Admit lapses
Overwritten synapses
There is a misswired connection
Nothing can be done
Coffee is ready
Aroma will work
Don’t claim
New territory
Abandon all designs
Just fade away