Worms deepen the soil. Soul

Don’t bother
Enjoy your freedom
Unhinged doors don’t have to be opened
They are just pushed a little
They fall apart
Now that gate is open
Walk out into the open
And take a deep breath
World is changing
Words count
People care
Worms deepen the soul
Bees have a compulsion. To share

valley in flood

when peaks are clothed in white
i was wondering if they were
expressing condolence
on the demise
pf a cloud
that took off with vigour
but then descended quietly
to enrich the river
but why so much
that valley is in flood

playing veena

wind played veena
for the clouds
in the forests

the strings of serenity
are still intact

though the breeze has swept away
all the sounds
but the silence is still dancing
on the top of the clouds

live with cold, air

i walk
i talk

when shadows stalk
i tell them to
embrace some light
and then suicide of stalking shadows
shows up in the sky
wandering clouds
play that again
are you searching
for some sparks
in the embers of lost fire
but it rained last night
how could hearth be still warm
didnt you install fire extinguisher recently
that fire of hatred will burn your house
live with cold

abandoned altogether

abandoned altogether.
nothing left to gather,
just be there


when you would wake up
on not finding me around
dont complain
i have already left for walk
into wilderness
where nobody trades
drops of dew
in exchange with
empty smiles

its over

dissenting cloud

Whenever I see
Some cloud dissenting
And taking off on her own
I realise it must have
Been nurtured by the tears
Of a lost soul
A betrayed faith
An abandoned ant mound

lovelorn, earth and a haughty cloud

The clouds were not too keen
To descend
Earth, like a lovelorn, was wondering
Did cloud feel bad
On her being, a bit sarcastic yesterday
But clouds were busy in conversation
With the sky
What happened
O clouds
You are still around
Don’t ask why,
O sky
Have you embraced us enough
To take our heat
And make us dry
And wanting to soak
In the warmth of the earth
Kept quiet
There was a lightening
Rain followed
Everywhere cold air
Took over
The warmth in the heart of devotees
Kindled the desire
Of clouds to wrap around them
That is also way of your blessing
O lord

with twinkle in her eyes

‘Having oozed all heat to sky
I had to come down’
Said the cloud
Seeking the warmth from the earth,
‘So You will take the warmth
And then go away’
Said earth
With a twinkle in her eyes,
Clouds had already started
Moving up
Having warmed the monastery
And all the devotees
At your altar