if you are a tailor

If you are a tailor
Of ties
That don’t end up
Into knots
You are wanted here

If you are a tailor
Who does
Have a stitch
Or less
Than most necessary,
Then you are needed here

If you are a tailor
Who doesn’t complain
When stitches some
Time come out
Because my hand waivered,
Them you are needed here

If you are a tailor
And you are a perfectionist
But you Dont mind
My living with
A loose button
Or a stitch not in place
Then you are needed here

Let me try

Braces of the bridge
Are a bit weak now
New bridge is far away
River is in spate
I don’t know swimming
Let me try
Don’t cry

A few drops rested here

Don’t blame the
For making holes
In the stem of the tall
Shoots tree

A few drops rested there
When it rained last night