Shades little shy
Dint ask me, why
The silence pervades
Will the mynah cry?


why do we tie knots

when do we tie our smiles in knots
even a simple
moment to stare and dare
a smile
becomes a burden
why are knots so nice to cocoon
thoughts that you are so deeply seized of

The last song

Like the worn out strings of a sitar
Resonance is still there
But in a fragile air
Don’t lose the touch
If strings are token
Music then wil still flow
From the fire
In which will burn
The wood of sitar
In string wind
Making sounds of the lady
Dong I composed for you

A flower in the desert

Like a flower
In the desert
You don’t need my permission
To blossom
Just unfold
Just unfold
Dint remind me
That you had told
Irrepressible flight of a bird
Will unfold
Aroma of the soup of mold
Grown on Maize corn

Come closer

Come closer
Lest you complain that
Hard of hearing
Missed the music
Beats of a symphony
That was played in the quiet of the night
Come closer

One to one

Tips of our noses
Tactile tension
Made the lotus leaf
Contain drops of dew
By not letting these drops roll
What were you trying
Weere your eyes prying
The secrets of tensions in a lake
That was about to dry in a few weeks

Hold my flowers

Hold these flowers
If you can
Before they fall down
And gather dust
May be you will keep
a few petals in selected places
In that book of stories
You were writing
To remind you of broken words
Untied knots
And scattered smiles
Like an exploded deaf star