to do this or that, Ma Kaali never tells you

to do this or that

walk here or there

embrace her shadows

or lie at her feet

Ma Kaali never tells you,

what  is the right way

she merely challanges you

to dig deeper and deeper with in

some find gold, some just dirt

but whatever we find

is after all, our own,

you may like it

or not

but the time has come

to accept

and be bold

chart out the path,

seek the unseeked

speak the unspoken

listen the unheard

who knows

what is in store

a vile thought

or a prayer pure

One Reply to “to do this or that, Ma Kaali never tells you”

  1. mother knows..
    her child in her bosom
    will dig deeper
    in her heart
    to find only love n peace

    she tha caresses
    her baby
    who ran across searching
    his mom

    she exists ,he knows
    exists beside him
    through the thick n thin

    but ignores
    only to raise her child
    nurture him
    bring him up
    to serve others
    help his brothers n sisters
    the less fortunate once

    we all love the mighty mother
    Maha Kali,the most beautiful of all.

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